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Evgeniya Yakovlevna, mother.
Pavel Egorovich, father.
Chehov with his sister M.P.Chehova. Yalta.
Photo, 1902.
Chehov among his family members: E.Ya.Chehova, M.P.Chehova, O.L.Knipper-Chehova.
Photo, 1902.
Chehov & M.Gorky in Yalta.
Photography, 1900.
Chehov reads "Chaika" to the artists of Moscow Arts theatre.
Photo, 1898.
Chehov & L.Tolstoy in Gaspra.
Photo, 1901.
Chehov among his family near house on Sadovo-Kudrinskaya.
Photo, 1890.
Family group of Chehovs. Standing: Evgeniya Yakovlevna, Pavel Egorovich, Mitrofan Egorovich (uncle). Sitting:  Efrosinya Emelyanovna (grandmother),  Egor Mihaylovich (grandfather),  Lyudmila Pavlovna (aunt).
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